Natural World Tofu Beads Cat Litter 7L
1 Pack $6.60
These are just a few of the amazing deals that Natural World Tofu Beads Cat Litter can do! And because the formulates do not contain synthetic additives, chemicals, clay or any additional perfumes, you can rest easy know that your cat will not be harmed in any way.
With formulas made with natural tofu and 99% dust-free biodegradable materials, experience overall greater benefits knowing that you and your cat will be unaffected by respiratory problems and any used cat litters can easily be disposed!
It can work as an excellent liquid absorbent as it can take up to moisture up to 3 times more compared to traditional clay/crystal litter. With an instant clumping formula, it clumps upon contact with fluid.
Use Natural World Tofu Beads Cat Litter made from natural tofu residue and has no chemical additives that can return to the ground as recycled soil compost as a good fertilizer for your garden's green or as easy as flushing down the toilet.
Using tofu beads cat litter you are contributing to a healthier environment and protect our mother earth.
- Fill your litter box with a minimum Depth Of (2 Inches) Of Tofu Beads Cat Litter
- The portion used by cats absorb urine & clumps instantly trapping odour as well
- Remove the clumped portion & replenish with the same amount
- Flushed Down clumped portion into toilet bowl or used as fertilizer